Intermodality, Digitisation & Green Tech: the EU pathway of the Ports of Genoa. Vamp Up & E-Bridge EU Projects
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The role of physical and digital infrastructures to fully integrate ports
in the European supply chain and gain the competitive advantage. European and Italian perspectives
Oliviero Baccelli, Academic Fellow of Università Bocconi - PTSCLAS
Focus on EU projects
Innovation and automation of the last mile rail access in the Port of Vado Ligure – VAMP UP project results
Alberto Pozzobon, Marketing Manager - Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea
Evolutive collaborative platform for rail last mile management (E-Bridge) and evolutive Customs Procedures
Luca Abatello, CEO - Circle Group
Environmental Sustainability: ongoing European initiatives in the Ports of Genoa
Francesca Moglia, EU Policy Office - Port Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea
Regione Liguria main logistics initiatives
Jacopo Riccardi, European Project Manager - Regione Liguria